A friendly and remarkably artistic people, the Balinese have createda dynamic society with unique arts and ceremonies, making Bali synonomousworld-wide with the perfect "tropical paradise". Terraced reicefields dominate the landscape, rivers and small irrigation streams disect the luscious green landscape, filling theair with the enchanting sound of running water.
The Balinese have been more exposed to international tourists and generally speak more English than people in the other parts of Indonesia. However they have manage to preserve their culture despite overwhelming foreign influences brought to the region by an ever-increasing number of tourists.
For the numerous interesting tours around Bali and the nearby island of Lombok, please contact:
JBA TOURS & TRAVEL Jl. Hang Tuah No 54 Sanur Beach Denpasar Bali, Indonesia Phone: (62-361) 286-501 Fax : (62-361) 281-151