Gunung Mas Tea Plantation is located in Puncak, West Java, approximataely 100 kilometers from the city of Jakarta. Gunung Mas literally means the "Golden Mountain". Gunung Mas Tea Estate which was established in 1910 was originally named Goenoeng Mas Francoise Nederlandeise de Culture Etde Commerce. The factor is at an elavation of 1.000 meters above sea level.
Gunung Mas factory produces what is called "C.T.C." ie (Crushing-Tearing- Curling) black tea. Tea field are plucked all year round with the neglible variation in monthly crop, except during a few months after pruning which is done once every three to four years. Each field is plucked once every 90 days. What is removed from the tea bush are the young shoots consisting of two to three leaves and bud. The leaves collected from the various fields........