Lying in the shadow of Mt. Merapi (Fire Mountain), 2914 meter-high active volcano, Yogyakarta is the seat of the once mighty Javanese Empire of Mataram, Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat. Yogyakarta is one of the supreme culture centers of Java. Full gamelan orchestras keep alive the rhythms of the past, classical Javanese dances with the visions of beauty and poise, shadows come to life in the stories of the wayang kulit (puppet show) and a myriad of traditional visual art forms keep locals and visitors alike spell-bound.
Tourist attractions around Yogya and surrounding areas, worth to be visited are among others: KRATON or SULTAN's PALACE - Designed and built by Prince Mangkubumi in 1755. The construction is similar to the Palace of Susuhunan Pakubuwono II in Surakarta (Solo) whose designer was also Mangkubumi. KOTAGEDE - Centre of Silver - As a trading centre it attracted many merchants and guilds of artisans and craftmen who passed down their skills to the present-day jewellers, gold and silversmiths for which Kotagede is famous. PRAMBANAN TEMPLE - located approximately 17 kilimeters from Yogyakarta on the way to Solo, this 47-meters high Hindu temple was built by the Sanjaya Dynasty in the 9th century and consists of three courtyard. The main temple, located in the inner courtyard, is surrounded by several smaller temples in the outer courtyard called "Perwara" temples. Other temples in the Prambanan region are Sewu, Plaosan, Ratu Boko, Sambisari, Kalasan and Sari. BOROBUDUR TEMPLE - One of the world wonders, this biggest Buddhist temple in the world was build in the 8th-9th century by the Cailendra Dynasty. Along the four galleries measuring at least 1 km in length is a series of relief depicting Buddha's spiritual and earthly lives. This temple, sheltered by surrounding mountains and rivers, was constructed in a location with other Buddhist temples such as Mendut and Pawon temples. Borobudur Temple is located about 42 kilometers to the north-west of Yogyakarta. DIENG PLATEAU - Dieng is the name of a 2093 meters high plateau, 26 km to the north of the town of Wonosobo which is 137 kilometers to the north-west of Yogyakarta. Here are to be found 8 Hindu temples, situated in an area of great scenic beauty including lakes and volcanoes. ECOTOURISM - MT. MERAPI. Treking to the foot of Mt. Merapi starts from VOGEL HOMESTAY at Kaliurang early morning at 03:30 hours to the foot of Mt. Merapi to see the flowing hot lava and the magnificient sunrise. Listen to the singing of the morning birds and the whistling of the trees blown by the winds. Enjoy your local/traditional Javanese breakfast. A must for tourists.